Products & Solutions
Elevators & Escalators
Mitsubishi Electric offers a full range of elevators and escalators services including design, sales, installation, modernization and maintenance to suit our customers' needs in Hong Kong, Macau and China. With a strong presence in the region, we are devoted in making our utmost effort in provision of quality products and services of our highest standard for our customers in these fast growing markets of Asia.
Product Line-up
Elevators and Escalators
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As a specialist with more than 50 years experience in vertical transportation systems, Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited is dedicated to provide superior Mitsubishi elevators equipment and round-the-clock quality services to the public. Whether for the purpose of making a two-storey home more livable for the elderly, or the tallest skyscraper more practical for thousands of occupants, we provide elevators engineered to meet the stringent requirements. Safe operation, long life and energy efficiency are the characteristics of our elevators and escalators that make for a better investment.

The original maintenance contractor for Mitsubishi elevators equipment has endeavored to provide professional services to ensure end-users' satisfaction and share the same belief with our headquarters in Japan on continual and long term maintenance service. Our maintenance operations are closely monitored by experienced Mitsubishi elevators professionals of Hong Kong and Japan to ensure that the safe running conditions of the equipment are in compliance with Mitsubishi's standard.

For elevators that were installed over 20 years ago, their designs are already outdated. Despite strong effort of regular maintenance, their reliability will deteriorate with time due to aging of the equipment. The elevator performance can no longer match those of new elevators with contemporary designs nor comply with the safety features specified under the latest Design Code of Practice for new elevators. Elevator modernization by Mitsubishi Elevator is the ideal solution to the above situation.